Foggy Without Sleep
Working on a multicontinent schedule means I have calls at 7:00 a.m., meeting in the afternoon, and calls around 11:00 p.m. - 1:00 a.m. Ugh. Be careful what you wish for....
Ruminations about interfaces...between people, between computers and people, and between my selfs. Also thoughts on time, memory, and the interweaving of the past and present.
Note: This personal blog has nothing whatsoever to do with some company whose trademark is FaceTime (note the difference in how it looks--it's a camelback punctuation service mark).
Well, it's been a full week, I can tell you--left last Monday, arrived Tuesday. Came to the office for a couple of hours, then went to the hotel they'd booked for me. Wednesday was a full work day! Thursday, too--and that night I went out with three of the guys from the company to eat & drink & chat. Lots o'fun! Friday I was told I'd be moving to an apartment...but I'd already made plans to go see a good friend of mine play blues in Belgium (see or Had to leave at 1 and got there at almost 10. Great night, lots of music, but had to find a place to crash. The club owner was nice enough to let me stay with him. The Belgians are very nice!
The next day I spent on the trains getting back to Hamburg. Saturday night I then had to get all my stuff from the hotel & move into the apartment. Yesterday I went shopping at the main train station (Hauptbahnhof), since the stores aren't open on Sundays...except for the ones in train stations. Comical....So, I had to buy a few items, just to survive for a couple of days. Still have to buy soap & another pillow (the one in the place is a feather pillow, and I like more neck support!).
So, I´m slowly getting used to living in´s a bit different from all the times I traveled here before!
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