Sunday, March 26, 2006

IA Summit 2006  The summit is a lot of fun this year, both personally and professionally. Actually, it's probably more fun professionally—I'm not feeling 100%, so I'm laying low. For example, tonight was the Adaptive Path free drink night...and I bagged off it. Instead, I ate sushi by myself and came back to the room to crash. Fell asleep watching Lawrence of Arabia, one of my favorite movies.

But Vancouver is a neat city. Liking it a lot.


Austin said...

I know how you feel. I'm an introvert and can only take so much people time. But there's so many fascinating people and conversations going on I practically drown myself being social. By the end of the conference I'm zapped for days.

Rick said...

Joe, Got a picure of someone that looks a lot like you man over at my place... Come check it out...


Joe said...

Rick--too funny! And he does look like me a bit. I wish I'd thought of it ;)